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segunda-feira, 31 de outubro de 2016

English Class - SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE (Presente Simples)

a) um fato, uma situação atual ou uma condição geral. 
Ex: I live in Brasília. (Eu moro em Brasília).
b) uma ação ou acontecimento habitual. Nesse caso, é comum o uso de advérbios de freqüência. 
Ex: I get up at 7 o’clock every day. (Eu levanto às 7 horas todo dia).
c) verdades univesais. 
Ex: Birds fly. (Os pássaros voam). 
d) ações futuras planejadas. Ex: The plane leaves in 20 minutes. (O avião parte em 20 minutos).

Para  conjugar  qualquer  verbo  no  Presente Simples,  basta  retirar  a  partícula TO  do  infinitivo  do verbo e acrescentar S à 3ª pessoa do singular. Observe a tabela abaixo:

to work = trabalhar                         to eat = comer               to speak = falar
I work                                               I eat                                       I speak
You work                                          You eat                                  You speak 
He works                                          He eats                                  He speaks 
She works                                         She eats                                She speaks 
It works                                            It eats                                    It speaks
We work                                           We eat                                   We speak
You work                                          You eat                                  You speak 
They work                                        They eat                                They speak

O  cuidado  que  se  deve  ter  ao  conjugar  os verbos no Presente Simples é apenas na 3ª pessoa do singular (He (ele), She (ela), It (ele/ela – neutro)).

a) Regra  geral:  acrescenta-se S  no  final  do verbo. 
Ex: to swim = nadar → She swims every day. (Ela nada todo dia).
to  drink  =    beber  → He  drinks  much  coffee. (Ele bebe muito café). 
to bark = latir → It barks a lot. (Ele late muito).

b) Verbos  terminados  em  SS,  SH,  CH,  X, Z e O: acrescenta-se ES no final do verbo.
Ex:  to kiss  =  beijar  → He kisses his mother before sleeping. (Ele beija sua mãe antes de dormir).
to brush  =  escovar → She brushes her hair in the morning. (Ela penteia o cabelo pela manhã).
to watch  =  assistir  → She watches tv in the afternoon. (Ela assiste tv de tarde).
to fix  =  consertar  → He fixes cars. (Ele conserta carros).
to buzz  =  zumbir  → The bee buzzes a lot. (A abelha faz muito zunido).
Caixa de texto: Exceção: Verbo to have (ter) na 3ª pessoa é has.  

Ex: to have = ter – He has two brothers. (Ele tem dois irmãos). 

to go  =  ir  → She goes to school on foot. (Ela vai para a escola a pé).

c) Verbos terminados em y: há dois casos.
- se o y for precedido de vogal: acrescenta-se apenas o S.
Ex: to play = tocar –  She plays the piano. (Ela toca piano).

-  se  o y  for  precedido  de consoante:  substi-tui-se o y por i e acrecenta-se ES.
Ex:  to study = estudar –  He studies at night. (Ele estuda à noite).

Nas  formas  negativa  e  interrogativa  usa-se  o verbo auxiliar to do nas formas do ou does, que não possuem  tradução  em  português.  Como  o  próprio nome sugere, eles apenas ajudam a formar a negativa e  a  interrogativa  das  frases.  Quando  o  verbo to  do (do/does) é usado como principal significa fazer.  Usa-se DO  quando  o  sujeito  for I  (eu), You (tu/você), We (nós) ou They (eles/elas) e usa-se DOES para a 3ª pessoa do singular, ou seja, quando o sujeito for He(ele), She (ela) e It (ele/ela – neutro). Quando  se  usa  o  verbo  auxiliar DOES  na  3ª pessoa  do  singular  (tanto  na  forma  negativa  quanto na  forma  interrogativa),  o verbo  principal  perde  o S, ES ou IES que se acrescenta na conjugação da forma afirmativa.
Na  forma  negativa,  usa-se  ainda  a  partícula de negação NOT junto com o verbo auxiliar DO / DOES que é posicionado antes do verbo principal das frases. Observe a conjugação de dois verbos na forma negativa na tabela abaixo.
to go = ir
to study = estudar
Forma Negativa
Forma Contraída
Forma Negativa
Forma Contraída
I do not go
I don’t go
I do not study
I don’t study
You do not go
You don’t go
You do not study
You don’t study
He does not go 
He doesn’t go 
He does not study 
He doesn’t study
She does not go 
She doesn’t go
She does not study 
She doesn’t study
It does not go 
It doesn’t go
It does not study 
It doesn’t study
We do not go 
We don’t go 
We do not study 
We don’t study
You do not go 
You don’t go  
You do not study 
You don’t study
They do not go 
They don’t go 
They do not study 
They don’t study

Na  forma  interrogativa,  usa-se  o  verbo  auxiliar DO / DOES no início da frase e o ponto de interrogação  no  final  da  frase.  Observe  a  conjugação  de alguns  verbos  na  forma  interrogativa  na  tabela  abaixo.

to work = trabalhar
to have = ter
to watch = assistir
Do I work? 
Do I have?  
Do I watch? 
Do you work? 
Do you have?  
Do you watch?
Does he work? 
Does he have?  
Does he watch?
Does she work? 
Does she have?
Does she watch?
Does it work?
Does it have? 
Does it watch?
Do we work?  
Do we have?  
Do we watch?
Do you work? 
Do you have?  
Do you watch?
Do they work? 
Do they have?  
Do they watch?

As  short  answers  são  as  respostas  curtas  em inglês  (sim  e  não).  Observe  na  tabela  abaixo  o  uso das short answers. 

to go = ir                        Short Answer - Sim                                      Short Answer - Não
Do I go?                                   Yes, I do.                                                        No, I don’t.
Do you go?                              Yes, you do.                                                    No, you don’t.
Does he go?                             Yes, he does.                                                   No, he doesn’t.
Does she go?                           Yes, she does.                                                             No, she doesn’t.
Does it go?                              Yes, it does.                                                    No, it doesn’t.
Do we go?                                Yes, we do.                                                     No, we don’t.
Do you go?                              Yes, you do.                                                    No, you don’t.
Do they go?                             Yes, they do.                                                   No, they don’t.

to study = ir                             Short Answer - Sim                                      Short Answer - Não
Do I study?                              Yes, I do.                                                        No, I don’t.
Do you study?                                     Yes, you do.                                                    No, you don’t.
Does he study?                        Yes, he does.                                                   No, he doesn’t.
Does she study?                      Yes, she does.                                                             No, she doesn’t.
Does it study?                                     Yes, it does.                                                    No, it doesn’t.
Do we study?                                       Yes, we do.                                                     No, we don’t.
Do you study?                         Yes, you do.                                                    No, you don’t.
Do they study?                        Yes, they do.                                                   No, they don’t.

Geralmente  usa-se  advérbios  de freqüência  e expressões de tempo nas frases para expressar o Simple  Present.  Os  advérbios  de  freqüência  são  posicio-nados normalmente antes do verbo principal da frase e  as  expressões  de  tempo  são  colocadas  no  final  das frases. 
Ex:  I  always  listen  to  the  radio.  (Eu  sempre escuto o rádio).
Bob  studies  English three  times  a  week. (Bob estuda inglês três vezes por semana).

Advérbios de Freqüência
Expressões de Tempo
Every day  
Todo dia
Every week 
Toda semana 
Every Saturday  
Todo sábado  
Twice a day  
Duas vezes ao dia 
Three times a month 
Três vezes por mês 
In the morning 
De manhã 
Às vezes 
In the afternoon 
De tarde 
Quase nunca  
At night  
À noite
On Mondays  
Às segundas

1)     Quando se usa o Presente Simples em inglês?
2)      O  que  acontece  com  os  verbos  na  3ª  pessoa  do singular?
3)     Como  é  formada  a  negativa  e  a  interrogativa  do Presente simples em inglês?
4)      Qual é  a  posição  dos  advérbios  de  frequência  e das  expressões  de  tempo  usados  no  Presente Simples? 
1)   Traduza o seguinte texto:
My every day routine
I am in seventh grade.
I get up at six every day, take a shower, get dressed, have breakfast and brush my teeth.
I leave home at seven ,take a bus and go to school.
My classes start at eight o’clock.
2)   Escreva os verbos na 3ª pessoa do singular do presente do indicativo.
a)     I work. ( Eu trabalho.)               _______She works. ( Ela trabalha.)____________
b)     I eat. ( Eu como .)       ____________________________________________
c)     They speak. ( Eles falam .)     ____________________________________________
d)     They fly. ( Eles voam .)             ____________________________________________
e)     I fish. ( Eu pesco.)                      ____________________________________________
f)      I have. ( Eu tenho.)                    ____________________________________________
g)     We get up. ( Nós levantamos.) ____________________________________________
h)     I go. (Eu vou.)                             ____________________________________________
3)   Conjugue os seguintes verbos no Simple Present Tense, nas formas afirmativa, negativa e interrogativa:
a)     To reach ( alcançar )
Afirmativa                                                                 Negativa                                                             Interrogativa


b)     To study
Afirmativa                                                                         Negativa                                                             Interrogativa


c)     To play
Afirmativa                                                                         Negativa                                                             Interrogativa


d)     To have ( ter )
Afirmativa                                                                         Negativa                                                             Interrogativa


4)   Passe as frases para a 3ª pessoa do singular:
a)     They go to school in the morning. (He)  He goes to school in the morning.
b)     I study English every day. ( She) _____________________________________________________________________
c)     I get up at seven o’clock. (He) ________________________________________________________________________
d)     I brush my teeth after the meals.( She) _______________________________________________________________
e)     They take the bus at seven o’clock. (He) _______________________________________________________________
f)      You go to school in the afternoon. ( He) ________________________________________________________________
g)     The trains reach the station at night. _________________________________________________________________­­
5)   Passe as seguintes frases para a forma negativa:
a)     You drink coffee and milk. ____________________________________________________________________________
b)     I drink water and juice. _______________________________________________________________________________
c)     We eat cheese and you eat ham. _______________________________________________________________________
d)     She eats bread and he eats cheese. _____________________________________________________________________
e)     They eat fish and she drinks soda. _____________________________________________________________________
f)      He drinks milk and I  drink coffee. _____________________________________________________________________
g)     I speak with my friend. _______________________________________________________________________________
h)     He speaks with my brother. ___________________________________________________________________________
i)      She speaks with your father. __________________________________________________________________________
j)      You  speak English with my son. _______________________________________________________________________
k)     I study French with my children. _______________________________________________________________________
l)      You study Portuguese with your father. _________________________________________________________________
m)   He study English with your mother. ____________________________________________________________________
n)     She speaks Spanish with my brother. ___________________________________________________________________
6)   Passe as frases para a forma interrogativa:
a)     I drink a cup of coffee. _________________________________________________________________________________
b)     She speaks with my father now . ________________________________________________________________________
c)     They speak with my father today . ______________________________________________________________________
d)     You study with my daughter. ___________________________________________________________________________
e)     He studies with my daughter now. ______________________________________________________________________
f)      She drinks a glass of juice. _____________________________________________________________________________
g)     He studies English with my teacher. ____________________________________________________________________
h)     They study English with my teacher today. ______________________________________________________________
i)      You speak French with my children. ____________________________________________________________________
j)      He speaks French with my son. ________________________________________________________________________
k)     I speak Spanish with your friends. _____________________________________________________________________

Text: Social contrasts
Calcutta, said Robert Clive, founder of Britain’s Indian empire, is “the most wicked place in the universe. “His words still ring true. The city ’s elite live in luxurious mansions attended by white-gloved servants. Meanwhile, the poorest of the poor barely survive on the streets; some sell their blood just for a few pennies to get by. Yet something about Calcutta’s grim conflicts and compelling contrasts and inspires  a yeasty mix of poets, revolutionaries and romantics. Quips renowned movie director Satyajit Ray, a Calcutta resident: “Who wants to make a film about Geneva?

I.              Leia o texto e sublinhe as palavras que você entende.
II.            Substitua as palavras em português por seus correspondentes em inglês. Confira com o texto.
1.     Calcutta, (disse) ____________ Robert Clive,( fundador) _______________ of (Império Britânico na India)____________  ______________  ___________, is “the (mais)____________ (pernicioso) ______________ (lugar) ___________ in the (universo)­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_________________.
2.     (Suas) _________ (palavras)____________ (ainda)__________ (soam)__________ (verdadeiras) ____________.
3.     The (elite da cidade) ___________  ___________ (vive) __________ in( luxuosas)____________ (mansões) ___________ (servidas) __________(por) _______  (empregados de luvas brancas) _____________________     ______________.
4.     (Enquanto isso) ____________, the (mais pobres)___________ of the (pobres)__________ (mal, quase não)__________  (sobrevivem)___________ on the (ruas) __________ ; (alguns) _________ ( vendem) _________ (seu) _______ (sangue) ___________ (apenas)  for (alguns) __________ (tocados) _____________  (sobreviver/ se virar) __________  _______.
III.          Match the words:
1.     Yet
2.     Something
3.     Grim
4.     Compelling

1)     Marque a alternativa cuja frase esteja escrita corretamente na forma afirmativa do Simple Present:
a)     Ted plaies tennis here.
b)     We goes shopping on Sunday.
c)     You work at night.
d)     They studies at UnB.

2)     Marque a alternativa que tenha a frase “They go to the movies on Saturdays” transformada para a 1ª pessoa do singular.
a)     You go to the movies on Saturdays.
b)     She goes to the movies on Saturdays.
c)     I go to the movies on Saturdays.
d)     We go to the movies on Saturdays.

3)     Complete  as  frases  abaixo,  utilizando  o  Simple Present dos verbos em parênteses: 
Mary ____________ (to plant) a tree every year. 
My  mother  ____________  (to  use)  recycled paper.
My cousin ____________ (to waste / not) food. 
They ____________ (to smoke) so much.

4)     Marque  a  alternativa  que  complete  corretamente a frase “_________ they __________ ecology?”
a)     Does – study.
b)     Do – study.
c)     Do – studies.
d)     Does – studies.

5)     Marque a  alternativa  que  complete  corretamente a frase “Peter ____________ many books”.
a)     have.
b)     haves.
c)     has.
d)     hases.

6)     Marque a alternativa  que  complete  corretamente a frase “John and Mary __________ in the lake”.
a)     don’t swim.
b)     doesn’t swim.
c)     don’t swims.
d)     doesn’t swims.

7)     Qual é  a  forma  negativa  da  frase  “John  cries  all  night.”?
a)     John doesn’t cries all night.
b)     John not cry all night.
c)     John don’t cries all night.
d)     John doesn’t cry all night. 

8)     Qual  é  a  forma  interrogativa  da  frase  “They  eat vegetables every day”?
a)     Does they eat vegetables every day?
b)     Do they eat vegetables every day?
c)     Does they eats vegetables every day?
d)     Do they eats vegetables every day?

9)      Marque a alternativa cuja frase esteja correta em relação ao estudo do Simple Present.
a)     I washes the dishes.
b)     They corrects the composition.
c)     You need money.
d)     She live in New York. 

10)  Marque a alternativa que empregou corretamente o verbo auxiliar to do (do / does) no Simple Present.
a)     Does my friends play basketball every day?
b)     You doesn’t have a good English dictionary.
c)     She don’t work here.
d)     Do those children study English?

11)  Relacione as colunas e depois marque a alternativa que contenha a sequência correta.

(1) Do you drink milk?
(2) Do they take the subway?
(3) Do we like to play football?
(4) Does she speak French? 

(   ) No, we don’t.
(   ) Yes, I do.
(   ) No, she doesn’t.
(   ) No, they don’t.  

a) 3 – 1 – 4 – 2 
b) 1 – 3 – 2 – 4 
c) 4 – 2 – 3 – 1 
d) 3 – 1 – 2 – 4 

12)  A  conjugação  correta  dos  verbos  abaixo  na  3ª pessoa do singular é:

to fly – to stay – to kiss – to drink
a)     flies – staies – kiss – drinkies.
b)     flys – stays – kisses – drinkes.
c)     flys – staies – kissies – drinks.
d)     flies – stays – kisses – drinks. 

13)  Marque  a  alternativa  que  tenha  a  frase  “We  cry when we are sad” transformada na a 3ª pessoa do singular.
a)     I cry when I am sad.
b)     They cry when they are sad.

c)     She cries when she is sad. 

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